Contemplation, Spirituality, Affirmation
It's New Year's Eve.... Another year has come and gone.. dang, it seems like we were just here... Oh well, time waits for no one... I just feel like praying this morning. And making affirmations (not resolutions)
Follow me...
Get in a quiet space.... clear your mind of worries, stuff... turn off the tv or radio..... take a deep breath....
Focus all your thoughts and energy on the light force that is within you..... feel it?
connect to that force... it's God's download to your soul.... let's communicate with Him
Almighty God... the Benificent, The Omnipresent, The merciful, Heavenly Father... Creator of everything that is.... Lord of the Universe... Giver of breath. life and light... whom I believe sent his Son, Jesus Christ to live among us - who was crucified, died and rose again after three days consistent with prophecy and holy scripture, your word....We thank you....
We thank you for waking us up this morning for it is with your permission we are able to have a chance to reflect your light into the world.... You have brought us through another year... safe... healthy... and of sound mind.... and we thank you... We thank you for the new lives you have brought into this world this year and we pray that these new lives will grow to be an example of your love. We thank you for those that you have called home this year for we know that thier lives have been a blessing to many....
We know that there are those around us who are seeing tribulation in thier lives and we beseech you for healing... bring peace to those who are having a hard time... bring those lives into your will...let your will be done in those lives...
Lord we ask that you send your angels before those in battle overseas, protect them.. Lord, keep them rigtheous in your will... Give thier mothers, fathers, wives, sisters and brothers the spirit of comfort because you know that they worry about their well-being as they hurtle through harm's way...
Lord, we ask for a miraculous change of heart in the minds for those running the government Lord... cause them to bring the troops home... open thier eyes and let them see that this war is misdirected and is causing unnecessary loss of life...Lord you have given us many gifts and wonders in this earth and your scripture says the "greatest of these is love" Spread Love through the world Lord...We are asking for Peace!!!
Lord send your angels through the halls of of the government and clean out all corruption, graft and greed.... Cause those who seek to take your name out of the essence of this great country to fail, stumble and be utterly conquered....
Move through our communities Lord... open the eyes of mankind so that we regard the color of a person's skin no more than we would regard the color of a person's eyes...
In the urban communities, we pray for the safety of our children... due to the influence of gangsta lifestyle, too many young people are being called home - far too young to have lived up to the potential that you have already written for their lives....
Bring the men and women together... Cause forgiving among the mothers... Raise up responsibility in the fathers...You know the babies need a father... even though the relationships did not work out, surely you have a plan to provide the children with a relationship with their fathers... for the preservation of family is central to the struggle for liberation. Give the fathers wisdom Lord, open thier eyes to see that being a father means more than being a sperm donor... let them be real men , even in the face of what we call "baby momma drama"... Raise up courage and responsbility in the hearts of the fathers...
Lord, bless the school systems - they need your help. We need wisdom in our local governments, our state governments, please bless us.
But most of all Lord open the eyes of the people - your people - to LOVE ONE ANOTHER...
And Almighty Father we ask that your bring peace, love, understanding, prosperity to each and every household who may read this today. Their children and children's children...Protect them Lord as they move about for we know that we live in perilous times... Keep them of sound mind and order their steps as they move about in the coming year....
And now Lord Hear my Affirmations for the year 2006 (in our meager mortal minds this is 2006, however we are mindful that only you know the real year, date and time) And if it is in your will, bless me indeed. Keep your hand upon me, so that I do not fail... keep my enemies behind me and beneath your feet.. Cause me to walk in love at all times - and discernment..... With faith I Affirm:
I will be closer with God... Seeking His Will in all things. TRUSTING HIM MORE. FAITH
I will be the best husband that I can each day
I will build a stronger relationship with my daughter (Lord Help her!!!)
I will be a stronger foundation and blessing for my mother
I will increase my profile in my business life. God has blessed me and I have not completely tapped into his fullness in my business life.
I will seek the Master's Degree
I will keep my economics more disciplined.
I will execute a disciplined plan for media marketing success.
I will continue my love for my community and will make myself available to You as a tool for liberation of my people..
I will walk as an example of not a prejudiced or racist man, but a man who seeks healing among his people for how can we interact with the total greatness of God's People around the world when we have no sense of self- who we are or where we come from, no respect for self, our women or children.
I will stop waiting on others to promote me, bless me in my professional life. I recognize that people are intimidated by greatness, confidence and most of all spirituality. Accordingly, they may never bless me. I will wait upon the Lord, and no one else. I will move on the unctions that God gives me, and take action towards my march to success.
I will Love my neighbor.
I will press toward the mark....
Father, I'm sorry for the sins that I have committed. Please forgive me for the wrong that I have done and the wrong that I have been. I want to walk in your light. I want to have a strong relationship with you. I believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that he arose from the dead.
Thank you for saving me. Thank you for your goodness. In the name of Jesus, we ask that you hear our prayer and affirmations. Thank God.
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