And even as he moves to protect democracy and freedom, the President still receives criticism from the conservative right. If he had stood by and done nothing, the right would complain that the President was spineless. And now that he takes an assertive strategy, the right wants to second guess his moves. Nothing is ever good enough.
In the meanwhile, the Nobel Prize Commiutte has bestowed it's prestigious honor on our President. not, perhaps for his peacemaking legacy - it has not blossomed for such a prize - but perhaps for his place in history as America's first African American President. The paradigm of Dr. King's dream coming true in this lifetime is worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize so says the Comittee...The committee said it honored Obama for his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples." I agree that the ascendancy of Barack Obama to the nation's presidency is certainly a worthy footnote in history, but it is too soon, way too soon to honor the man for peace and diplomacy.
Even President Obama noted the paradigm as he accepted his award. "I face the world as it is, and cannot stand idle in the face of threats to the American people," Obama told his audience in Oslo's City Hall. "For make no mistake: Evil does exist in the world."
Irony of Peace. We must destroy evil to promote peace...... Congratulations President Obama.... I guess.
1 comment:
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(Posted from NetBlog for R4i Nintendo DS.)
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