Friday, October 01, 2010

Memoirs of a mega church member, part two

Wow... Bishop Eddie Long gets accused of sexual shenanigans with young men in his congregation.... Much has been written, reported, interviewed, said (or not), and otherwise presented throughout the international media... Only time and a fair justice system will reveal the truth as God already knows it....

He is not the first mega minister to be brought to shame before the world... and certainly he will not be the last. As much as we want our men of God to be blameless, we are reminded time and again that they are men, subject to character flaws, perversions and sin just like everybody else. This is not to make excuses for them, its just a fact. True, they are held to higher standards biblically because there is specific direction and criteria for those teaching, leading, and following men who stand before God's people representing HIM.
(Rom.14:16 ~ Rom.16:17-18 ~ 1Tim.~ 1:19-20 ~ 2 Tim. 2:17 ~
Phil 4:2 ~ Col. 4:17 ~ 3 Jn.9-10") "

Thus the result of the scandal cuts deep. Our trust in the institution of church is severely violated when the leader falls. And while the sensationalism that comes with the accusation is contagious, the instance of scandal makes one pause to contemplate one's membership, loyalty and history of following the mega church.... At some point one has to pragmatically look at stories like Long's and other similar episodes in order to balance their view of church folkways and mores.....

As a member of a mega church (NOT New Birth... I'm out west....), I love the many good works we are able to do.... we love the leader's international involvements.... we love the leader's local impact, we love and support his influence across social and political boundaries... we love the way the bible and a Christian lifestyle is articulated in our church. We have labored and built to become a force for good in the community, indeed the world...

Around the City, the vibe of folk who attend these mega-ministries have the same type of pride and love for the involvements of the leader...  Especially those who have attended the church for a long time - those who have witnessed the growth of the church and the pastor. The sense that you are part of something powerful, righteous and stands for good becomes an integral part of your lifestyle. We are an example of Jesus' love in the community and the world...

Plus the access to study the word of God is on a deep level. 

I would be deeply damaged to hear my spiritual leader caught up in some madness like Bishop Long, but yet, Long's issues remind me that no matter what, these guys are just men... subject to mess up... just like all of us... And while I really appreciate what the man of God has shown me and encouraged me to integrate into my life, the most important lesson that I can take away from his spiritual counsel is that God is....

God is more than the man in the pulpit.
God is more than this magnificent edifice we have saved and invested in through the building fund...
God is more than the denomination, if any, the ministry, the rules, traditions and processes of the work....
God is more than all of it....While we adore these men, they are,.... just that. Men.

Yet, across the Body of Christ, we have various visceral reactions to the news of possible misconduct from the man of God... from shock to awe..... a closer look will reveal that he is not the first.... and most probably will not be the last.... the result and effect hurts not only the victims of the deeds, but the masses of the people who have said yes.. I will follow and help you build...

The news of scandal causes members of other mega churches to consider "what if...?"

That's when we have to remember that your ultimate relationship is with God Almighty through Jesus Christ... That's it, that's all... He will be there for you just like he was before your fabulous 5000 - 10000 seat sanctuary.... He will be there after the sanctuary is gone... He will be there in the midst of scandal.... He will be there... He will be there as he protects your congregation or He will be there as he reveals the dark secrets of sin..... He will be there.....

The ultimate challenge of the mega-church member is to take a self-inventory and ask if we caught up in the ceremony of church? Are we caught up in the essence of our pastor, the mega church? Or do we take to heart our relationship with God....  Do we walk with humility or are we puffed up from some false superiority complex just because we belong to a large church....

In the end, we have to remember it's all about our relationship with the Almighty and not the religion of our mega church experience... We honor the men leading our various institutions, but at the end of the day it's all about Jesus.... that's it, that's all.

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