Sunday, February 22, 2009

Next Level Consciousness

"And He said to me, "Son of Man, can these bones live?" So I answered, O Lord
God, You know." Ezekiel 37:3

After years of doing things the same old way, executing the same old policies, promoting our essence based on the old concepts and procedures, we find ourselves realizing that change is inevitable. The old ways are dead. There's a new way of thinking, a new consciousness. A new order... We have to change. Change how we want our country to work. Change how we look at our neighborhoods. Change how we walk. Change our talk. Change and/or increase our spiritual consciousness. But we find change is not easy. We have found a measure of success doing what we do for all this time, but we have not gotten higher. People know us for what we do when we do it. People expect us to be what we are when we are it. And this makes us comfortable. But deep inside, we know that it is time for change. We are not living life to the fullest potential as God has planned for us.... Stagnant. Dead. Dried up.

But it's not that we don't know what to do for positive change in our lives, we know what it is that will add to our essence. We know we have the skills, the contacts, the experience to go higher.. We know and feel that God has so much more for us in our lives... so what is the next level?

In the scripture quoted at the top of this blog, the prophet is shown a valley full of dry bones. The bones represent the whole house of Israel who has given up all hope of reviving their kingdom because they had been captives of Babylon for 10 years. And so God asks the prophet "Can these bones live?" His answer "Lord God, You Know"... The prophet knows that God is all powerful, omnipotent and merciful and he already knows the answer to the query. In our Bible, we can look to Ezekiel 37.. the story of the dry bones.. (you can read it here)

Sometimes I think we forget that we are children of God... oh yes, we go to church, we pray and meditate, and even as we read our bibles, we lose hope. We become stale. Complacent. We forget that our God can do anything. We have forgotten that he can certainly guide us to the highest potential. We have forgotten that he will revive our vigor, our enthusiasm and stimulate within us the creative vision to lift us to the next level... We have to have faith. We have to tap into that inner strength that got us to this level and leverage it to take us to that next level.

In the text, God instructs the prophet to speak to the bones. He told the prophet to tell the bones to hear the word of the Lord- the word that tells them to choose life (Deuteronomy 30:19)... The word that tells us that he is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us (Eph 3:20) When the prophet spoke, the Lord moved, breathing life into the bones to where they were restored with skin, sinews and stood up to be again a strong army... And so we have to speak to our situation. Yes, life and death is in the power of the tongue, so we have to encourage ourselves. Tell our situation about our God. And God will therefore move and promote and elevate you to the next level. When we find oursleves stagnant, needing change, looking for the next level, all we need to do is trust God to move in our lives and we can step forth with courage and conviction because we know that God is able to anything. And if he is able to do anything, he can certainly guide us to the high potential that he has planned for our lives. If he can raise an army from a valley full of dry bones, he can certainly move in our lives to take us to the next level. If he can raise Jesus from the dead (graveyard dead), than he can certainly resurrect the vim and vigor in your consciousness causing you to continue to achieve greatness.

Faith in the Lord combined with decisive action will bring us to the next level. Faith without works is dead.

Stay Focused my brothers and sisters. Be encouraged. Trust in the Lord. And always Love One Another....

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